
When Fighting Dis-ease Attitude Matters

When Fighting Dis-ease

Attitude Matters

Have a disease? Fighting cancer, diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, bi-polar disorder, PTSD, Agent Orange, Lyme, Arthritis, Gout, alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, chronic condition of any kind? You are supposed to be reading this right now. This is meant to be. You will learn exactly what you have been seeking to know, right here today!

You would be surprised at what every dis-ease known to mankind has in common...what you are "thinking" about your condition. How tough it is, how bad you feel, how sick you are and maybe even scared that your symptoms will progress and you will die.

There is even more in common. Let's turn back the hands of the clock to BEFORE you were diagnosed with your dis-ease. Go ahead, I will wait... Now think carefully, do you remember what you were doing? Where you were living? What job you had, what school you were in, who was in your life and how life was going? Recall if you will, your state of mind at that time. What were your challenges, your struggles? What were your fears? How were you feeling? Were you grieving something or someone? Were you stressed out? Were you feeling alone? Not being heard or understood? It's important for you to see and feel exactly where you were just before your diagnosis. 

Now why do you need to understand that? Because attitude matters. Our mind-body connection is so strong that it can steer us to dis-ease or health. We actually decide. (Many times we don't even realize we are making that decision). I will give you several of my own family examples so that you can see what I want to help you understand. There is a beginning to your dis-ease that has been triggered. When you understand that. We can begin the healing process. 

Some family examples:
  • Family finances were beyond repair and their job was downsizing, they were diagnosed with heart disease
  • a spouse died and they had never been involved with the finances and found out he had sold his life insurance policy, they were diagnosed with cancer
  • they were going through a stressful program at school, they were diagnosed with cancer 
  • They were living in a country a long way from home, they were diagnosed with cancer 
  • They served our country and on their return their parents were getting a divorce, they were diagnosed with several dis-eases
  • They had too many major responsibilities and no help to keep their home in repair, they were diagnosed with dementia
  • They were struggling to be who they were born to be, against their parents, they were diagnosed with diabetes, mental health issues, attempted suicide several times
  •  They divorced and the minister of the church made them feel guilty, so they took their spouse back and took care of them, they could not move on in their own life and passed away
  • A spouse was becoming demented and they were diagnosed with heart disease
  • They had 2 children and life became financially & emotionally stressful, they were diagnosed with gout/arthritis

I could keep going on with these examples, but by now you might have determined how things began in your own life. Now I can help you heal from your dis-ease. Please allow me to do so. Don't make excuses about money, time, energy...just contact me today, right now, so that we can connect and your dis-ease can be healed. Together, we can do all things. The bible tells us that we were made in His image. Isn't one piece of pie, like the rest of the pie? So if He could heal, so can you and I. We just need 2 people believing and learning how to do it.

I use food as medicine. We are what we eat. Then we get your mind and body to work together in healing. Don't be afraid, don't be shy, feel embarrassed or have doubts. Just use the appointment button to get started on your path to wellness. You don't need your dis-ease any longer. Life awaits! 

Love Ya!! #simplyhealthy


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